Tag: changing your hosting provider

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Thinking (and working) outside the box .. the moving box that is ..

Things are kind of crazy around here. You see, my wife and I just moved to a brand new home in Charlotte. We're surrounded by a mountain of moving boxes, piles of brown wrapping paper and I can't find anything!! But we are very happy about our move and our new home and our new neighborhood. All this moving got me to thinking about how this related to websites .. sometimes we really, really want a new, fresh look to our site but we dread the process. Changing over to a new site can be a daunting task without the proper support. Just as your favorite serving platter can mysteriously disappear during a home move, so can files and images and databases if precautions aren't taken. We've got lots of experience setting up new sites, transforming old sites and even moving existing sites to new servers and hosts. We can help you make a move that will be "relatively" stress free!! No boxes and clutter included!! Ask Us How We Can Help!
