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Form Options To Help You Get the Most From Your Business Website

Just about every website has at least one online form. And if you are a business owner chances are you have at least one form on your site as well. But are you getting the most out of your forms? Let's face it .. the little ol' Contact Form is not really something most business owners want to spend too much time on. It would be easier to just put an email link on your site and invite potential clients/customers to email you but we all know that opens up a pandora's box of problems. Every business owner likely has an email inbox that is already overflowing. Inviting people to just email you willy-nilly without any constraints is asking for trouble. That's why when it comes to Contact Forms less is often more. Keep it simple and direct the user to send you just enough information for you to get an idea what they want before you reach out to them. But remember, a Contact Form is not the only type of Form you may need on your website. Forms have endless possibilities and when used correctly and creatively can benefit your business (and your workflow) greatly. Take a look at the example in the image at the top of this blog post. That's a screen shot of a form we did for a client that hosts an annual charity golf tournament. In this instance participants "sign up" for the tournament by entering their team/player information and contact information and T-Shirt size (for a complimentary shirt that all players receive). Seems pretty simple .. but here's what we did that took this form to the next level: We created a database that the form posted to in addition to the normal email that is sent to the form recipient (the tournament director). We then created a page on the website that is hidden and only accessible by the tournament director and planners. This page displays all the entries in the database and updates automatically. This way the director and planners have two resources to use when setting up the tournament .. emails with every team/player entrant and an online list where they can see every entrant at once. Sounds pretty cool, right? But you'd be surprised the number of business owners who have no idea they can access something so simple for their own business and just how easy it…

Social Media: An Important Business Tool

In 2017 if you're not utilizing Social Media in some way to market your business you are missing out on an every growing segment of the population (ie. potential clients/customers). Recent studies have revealed that the younger generation (and to some extent middle agers) are growing more and more dependent on Social Media for recommendations/reviews/suggestions when it comes to local business. How many times have you seen a post on your personal Facebook page by a friend who is at a very cool looking new restaurant in your city. Maybe there are pictures of the menu, or drinks, or even what they had for dinner. Comments along the lines of, "Wow, we love this new bistro and it's right around the corner from our house!" Intrigued, you go check it out the next day and equally impressed, you are sending out the same type post to your friends!! This form of "organic marketing" is a business' best friend. While it's true you can't control who/when/what your customers send out to the world you can take the first step of creating your own business Facebook page and sending out your own posts on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Many repeat customers will depend on these posts when choosing whether to patronize your business on a continuing basis. Facebook isn't the only great Social Media option .. Twitter can be equally beneficial if your Twitter account is heavily promoted. Google+ and Linkedin do not have the same target audience as Facebook and Twitter but they are growing and each has its own niche. Setting up Social Media accounts is easy but we can help you if you don't have the time or know-how. We can even help you set up a schedule of posts or do it for you!! To sum it up, marketing with Social Media is necessary, vital and best of all it's "easy-peasy" for even a novice. Ask us how we can help! ~Todd

Merry Christmas!

All of us at Todd Day Graphics would like to take a moment to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. May we all come to know peace in our hearts and prosperity and stability in our daily lives and business.  

Merry Christmas from Todd Day Graphics!

How did it get to be Christmas already? Time is flying. We are spending our first Christmas in our new home. What a contrast from past Christmas times. We have more room for more decorations and a bigger tree and even though we really are still not completely settled we definitely know we are now HOME. The house is beautiful and my wife's knack for decorating is really making the season especially fun and joyous for me. What's your wish for Christmas this year? Peace on Earth is always a good one for me!! Merry Christmas Everyone!! ~todd

One page what?

One of the frequent reasons potential clients say they don't have a website is that they "can't afford to pay for all those pages." What they mean is that many website design/development firms charge by the page. Or at the least they charge an upfront fee then more for each page added to the site. To be fair this is pretty common practice and at Todd Day Graphics we have structure that also takes into account the size of the proposed project. So what are you to do if you need a great looking functional website but can't afford 10-12 pages of content? Or maybe you don't even HAVE 10-12 pages of content to offer? The answer: One Page Sites. One Page Websites are trendy this year and for good reason. You can say a lot with a little (the old "less is more" principal) if you do it right. One designer refers to One Page Websites as "digital business cards." That's a great analogy. If you need a great website but don't have a lot to offer in content at the moment, why not let us build you a great looking and great performing One Page Website? Let's get started!! Contact us Here..
