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Social Media: An Important Business Tool

In 2017 if you're not utilizing Social Media in some way to market your business you are missing out on an every growing segment of the population (ie. potential clients/customers). Recent studies have revealed that the younger generation (and to some extent middle agers) are growing more and more dependent on Social Media for recommendations/reviews/suggestions when it comes to local business. How many times have you seen a post on your personal Facebook page by a friend who is at a very cool looking new restaurant in your city. Maybe there are pictures of the menu, or drinks, or even what they had for dinner. Comments along the lines of, "Wow, we love this new bistro and it's right around the corner from our house!" Intrigued, you go check it out the next day and equally impressed, you are sending out the same type post to your friends!! This form of "organic marketing" is a business' best friend. While it's true you can't control who/when/what your customers send out to the world you can take the first step of creating your own business Facebook page and sending out your own posts on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Many repeat customers will depend on these posts when choosing whether to patronize your business on a continuing basis. Facebook isn't the only great Social Media option .. Twitter can be equally beneficial if your Twitter account is heavily promoted. Google+ and Linkedin do not have the same target audience as Facebook and Twitter but they are growing and each has its own niche. Setting up Social Media accounts is easy but we can help you if you don't have the time or know-how. We can even help you set up a schedule of posts or do it for you!! To sum it up, marketing with Social Media is necessary, vital and best of all it's "easy-peasy" for even a novice. Ask us how we can help! ~Todd

To Tweet or not to Tweet, that is the question..

"Should I use Social Media for my business?" That's a question most web designers will hear from their clients. Especially if said client is a new business owner or never had any sort of web presence even if they are established. While many people may look at Social Media as simply "fluff" or "entertainment" when it comes to promoting a business the value is immeasurable and the sky is the limit! The simple fact is that these days many potential customers/clients use Social Media as their starting point, jumping off point or pipeline to the rest of the web. If you're already perusing Facebook and suddenly remember that you wanted to find a good garage organizer, why not start with the search bar in Facebook to begin with? That's exactly what most people do, especially young people. Make no mistake though, once they find the Facebook page of a company that looks promising they will usually click through to the actual website to get more information. Used in this way your website and Social Media pages can work together to bring you business. Think of Social Media as a funnel for your web traffic. A quick peek at the Google Analytics page for a successful company will show the amount of web traffic that originates from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Instagram is astounding. Setting up a business Facebook page should be a natural compliment to your fantastic website. Need help? We can do that too! Contact us today!!  
